Today’s net neutrality vote – an unsurprising, unfortunate disappointment

We are incredibly disappointed that the FCC voted this morning – along partisan lines – to remove protections for the open internet. This is the result of broken processes, broken politics, and broken policies. As we have said over and over, we’ll keep fighting for the open internet, and hope that politicians decide to protect their constituents rather than increase the power of ISPs.

This fight isn’t over. With our allies and our users, we will turn to Congress and the courts to fix the broken policies.

The partisan divide only exists in Washington.  The internet is a global, public resource and if closed off — with only some content and services available unless you pay more to your ISP — the value of that resource declines. According to polls from earlier this year, American internet users agree. Three-quarters of the public support net neutrality. This isn’t a partisan issue.

We’ll keep fighting. We’re encouraged by net neutrality victories in India and elsewhere.  Americans deserve and need better than this.

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