Today we’re proud to announce that the Knight-Mozilla OpenNews program will continue for the next three years, with the help of a $4 million grant from the Knight Foundation. The new funding means that in addition to continuing our wildly successful fellowship program — fellows have created more than 50 software projects, including the popular Tabula (a tool for taking data out of PDFs), which is used by more than a dozen news organizations from ProPublica to The New York Times— we will be able to expand our global trainings, hackathons, enhance the range of OpenNews publication platform, Source, and kickoff the first Source Conference (SRC CON), an “unconference” and hack day devoted to journalism technology.
“OpenNews is helping to shape both the present and the future of journalism by building a community of developers writing groundbreaking, open-source code in the newsroom and beyond,” said Dan Sinker, director of the Knight-Mozilla OpenNews project. “We want to foster journalism that is of the Web instead of simply on the Web.”
Stay tuned for the more updates from the Knight-Mozilla OpenNews project, including the upcoming announcement of the 2014 OpenNews Fellows at the end of October at Mozilla’s MozFest”.