The online shopping experience is really geared towards purchases that are made immediately. Countless hours have been spent to get you checked out as soon as possible. If you know what you want, and you’re happy with the price, this is great. On the other hand, sometimes you want to take your time, and wait for a deal. For those times, we have our new Test Pilot experiment, Price Wise.
Price Wise makes Firefox track prices for you across five top US retailers: Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Home Depot and Best Buy. Price Wise is currently available for select U.S. retailers and does not work on International versions of the sites.
Double down on deals
Getting started is easy. Start by adding products to the watch list. You will know every time a price drops. Since Price Wise only operates in your browser, it respects your privacy and keeps track of any personalized pricing that might apply to you.
When you get your browser notification, you can click straight through to the retailer to purchase from your watcher list. Because pricing for products is often dynamic or personalized, if you’re tracking an item between retailers, add the product from various sites to the watcher list and wait until the price goes lower.
Price wise will also inform you if the price on an item has gone up. Green arrow and text will indicate a price decrease and red arrow and text will indicate a price increase.
Firefox Test Pilot
We think up new ideas for Firefox all the time, but before we roll them out as a feature in the browser we give them a test run. Test Pilot lets everyday users, like you, try out new features and tell us if they’re worth building into the browser. Experiments like Price Wise are more than just a way to try fun and useful features. It’s a 100% opt-in transparent research, design, and development process that allows us to play with — and share — more radical ideas for Firefox. And because Price Wise is from Firefox, we don’t collect your personal data. So go ahead track the price of that wearable blanket, we’re not watching (or judging).