(I love this team so much — and we’re not all represented, here, even!)
Shamelessly stealing a page from Laura Thomson’s “2014: Engineering Operations Year in Review” blogpost, Web QA would also like to take this slightly belated opportunity to highlight many — but certainly not all — team accomplishments:
- started the process of creating a new, publicly open Jenkins instance for all our automation
- added Windows virtual machines in SCL3
- moved both Bouncer and Snippets test automation into the public, Webdev Jenkins (ci.mozilla.org)
- built out and maintained a 40+ device Firefox OS test-automation lab
- got Marketplace Payments tests (UI flow, using Marionette) running on a Firefox OS Flame device using Zippy
- switched Android tests over to Appium, using Sauce Labs
- shipped Marketplace on low-spec Tarako devices/branch
- shipped serverless in-app payments
- supported (both manually and with automation) the split of AMO and Marketplace
- shipped update notifications and feature detection for Hello and WMW
- shipped Operator Dashboard
- shipped Curation tools
- shipped Feed!
- shipped Bango dev-portal integration into DevHub
- shipped single-page webpay
- migrated from Persona to FxA (and supported both, through manual testing and automation, throughout the transition)
- shipped support for pre-installed apps
- shipped support for hidden apps
- shipped recommended apps
- shipped support for Newsletters
- shipped communication dashboard for interaction between reviewers and developers
- enabled payments in regions like Mexico and worked extensively on getting payments working on Bangladesh
- theintern.io – Collaboration on an experiment/prototype between teams: Web QA and MDN
- audited JS WebDriver frameworks and decided to use theintern.io
- created a representative subset of our Python-based tests using JS
- configured the build — travis-ci — to run the end-to-end tests using Sauce Labs
- tested and shipped 10-year anniversary pages/tours
- tested and shipped Yahoo! tour
- tested shipped Developer Edition pages/tours
- tested and shipped a Basket rearchitecture
- tested and shipped revamped Get Involved flow
- added homepage coverage through automation:
- streamlined a bunch of tests by removing is_visible() checks, where they were redundant or unreliable:
- shipped vouch refactor
- shipped geolocation
- moved the project’s development environment to Docker
- successfully transitioned the project to a community QA Lead
- Acting PM – created a prioritized list of triaged feature needs
- Began to solve scaling problems in MozTrap to reduce pain for QA – unresponsive UX, long running queries, data integrity (more to come in 2015!)
- Migrated crash-stats storage off HBase and into S3
- Crash-stats reporting for B2G
- pytest-zap work to support deeper integration with OWASP ZAP + pytest-mozwebqa
Web QA Dashboard:
- Published the Web QA dashboard, which initially included information on xfails and skips for all of our projects
- Added the Web QA Issues dashboard, which displays all open issues and pull requests for our GitHub projects
- Added the Marketplace tests dashboard, which provides a quick reference for the tests we run for Marketplace and shows which are passing, failing, and skipped
One and Done:
- Improved admin system for creating and editing tasks
- Added admin views for Task Activity and Metrics
- Ability to create “one time only” tasks
- Ability to create tasks from Bugzilla bugs
- Publicly viewable profiles, with a customizable URL
- User notifications for expired and/or closed tasks
- updated privacy protocols
- ability to interact with users who submit feedback
- One and Done test days
- Community highlights
- shipped a redesigned (and long-awaited) quality.mozilla.org blog platform:
Open Badges:
- https://badges.mozilla.org/en-US/profiles/profile/webqa.badges
- we added many new badges:
Presentations & Meetups:
- Python Development Standards:
- Building a 40+ real-phone test-automation lab:
- Engagement offsite – two presentations: 1) Continuous Delivery and how to integrate community, 2) What does QA do — an overview of what comprises a test plan
- Continuously detecting web security vulnerabilities:
- started an “I am MozWebQA” blog series:
- Intro to Web testing test days [multiple] + SF meetup
- Summer project internships
- Test automation clean up test days [multiple]
- Two OPW internships
- Xfail test days
A huge thanks yet again to the entire team for really coming together and making our efforts in 2014 really pay off — here’s to 2015!
Dave Hunt wrote on