I will be on vacation from September 12 to October 17. During that time I will be online sporadically, if at all.
I won’t be attending the Mozilla all-hands meeting. My vacation was scheduled before the all-hands dates were announced, unfortunately.
However, I will visit Mozilla HQ in Mountain View on September 27 and 28. This means I’ll be present for the launch of Firefox 7 (the first release to benefit from MemShrink) and also for a MemShrink weekly meeting.
4 replies on “On vacation September 12 to October 17”
Hi Nicholas,
enjoy your vacation and thanks for your great work to make FF better 🙂
Oh no, my favourite news of the week on hold? Fair enough. Have a great break, hope you get as many pats on the back at HQ as you deserve!
Do you think being face to face with others at HQ will help you to get a big quick boost of your perspective on the code base? Or is ‘telecommuting’ as effective as face to face these days?
Telecommuting is pretty good, but being at HQ will be useful for talking about long-term strategic stuff.
5 weeks of holydays? Wow, are you working as civil servant? lol