A number of people at Mozilla are working on a wonderful privacy initiative called Polaris. This will include activities such as Mozilla hosting its own high-capacity Tor middle relays.
But the part of Polaris I’m most interested in is Tracking Protection, which is a Firefox feature that will make it trivial for users to avoid many forms of online tracking. This not only gives users better privacy; experiments have shown it also speeds up the loading of the median page by 20%! That’s an incredible combination.
An experiment
I decided to evaluate the effectiveness of Tracking Protection. To do this, I used Lightbeam, a Firefox extension designed specifically to record third-party tracking. On November 2nd, I used a trunk build of the mozilla-inbound repository and did the following steps.
- Start Firefox with a new profile.
- Install Lightbeam from addons.mozilla.org.
- Visit the following sites, but don’t interact with them at all:
- google.com
- techcrunch.com
- dictionary.com (which redirected to dictionary.reference.com)
- nytimes.com
- cnn.com
- Open Lightbeam in a tab, and go to the “List” view.
I then repeated these steps, but before visiting the sites I added the following step.
- Open about:config and toggle privacy.trackingprotection.enabled to
Results with Tracking Protection turned off
The sites I visited directly are marked as “Visited”. All the third-party sites are marked as “Third Party”.
Connected with 86 sites Type Website Sites Connected ---- ------- --------------- Visited google.com 3 Third Party gstatic.com 5 Visited techcrunch.com 25 Third Party aolcdn.com 1 Third Party wp.com 1 Third Party gravatar.com 1 Third Party wordpress.com 1 Third Party twitter.com 4 Third Party google-analytics.com 3 Third Party scorecardresearch.com 6 Third Party aol.com 1 Third Party questionmarket.com 1 Third Party grvcdn.com 1 Third Party korrelate.net 1 Third Party livefyre.com 1 Third Party gravity.com 1 Third Party facebook.net 1 Third Party adsonar.com 1 Third Party facebook.com 4 Third Party atwola.com 4 Third Party adtech.de 1 Third Party goviral-content.com 7 Third Party amgdgt.com 1 Third Party srvntrk.com 2 Third Party voicefive.com 1 Third Party bluekai.com 1 Third Party truste.com 2 Third Party advertising.com 2 Third Party youtube.com 1 Third Party ytimg.com 1 Third Party 5min.com 1 Third Party tacoda.net 1 Third Party adadvisor.net 2 Third Party dictionary.com 1 Visited reference.com 32 Third Party sfdict.com 1 Third Party amazon-adsystem.com 1 Third Party thesaurus.com 1 Third Party quantserve.com 1 Third Party googletagservices.com 1 Third Party googleadservices.com 1 Third Party googlesyndication.com 3 Third Party imrworldwide.com 3 Third Party doubleclick.net 5 Third Party legolas-media.com 1 Third Party googleusercontent.com 1 Third Party exponential.com 1 Third Party twimg.com 1 Third Party tribalfusion.com 2 Third Party technoratimedia.com 2 Third Party chango.com 1 Third Party adsrvr.org 1 Third Party exelator.com 1 Third Party adnxs.com 1 Third Party securepaths.com 1 Third Party casalemedia.com 2 Third Party pubmatic.com 1 Third Party contextweb.com 1 Third Party yahoo.com 1 Third Party openx.net 1 Third Party rubiconproject.com 2 Third Party adtechus.com 1 Third Party load.s3.amazonaws.com 1 Third Party fonts.googleapis.com 2 Visited nytimes.com 21 Third Party nyt.com 2 Third Party typekit.net 1 Third Party newrelic.com 1 Third Party moatads.com 2 Third Party krxd.net 2 Third Party dynamicyield.com 2 Third Party bizographics.com 1 Third Party rfihub.com 1 Third Party ru4.com 1 Third Party chartbeat.com 1 Third Party ixiaa.com 1 Third Party revsci.net 1 Third Party chartbeat.net 2 Third Party agkn.com 1 Visited cnn.com 14 Third Party turner.com 1 Third Party optimizely.com 1 Third Party ugdturner.com 1 Third Party akamaihd.net 1 Third Party visualrevenue.com 1 Third Party batpmturner.com 1
Results with Tracking Protection turned on
Connected with 33 sites Visited google.com 3 Third Party google.com.au 0 Third Party gstatic.com 1 Visited techcrunch.com 12 Third Party aolcdn.com 1 Third Party wp.com 1 Third Party wordpress.com 1 Third Party gravatar.com 1 Third Party twitter.com 4 Third Party grvcdn.com 1 Third Party korrelate.net 1 Third Party livefyre.com 1 Third Party gravity.com 1 Third Party facebook.net 1 Third Party aol.com 1 Third Party facebook.com 3 Third Party dictionary.com 1 Visited reference.com 5 Third Party sfdict.com 1 Third Party thesaurus.com 1 Third Party googleusercontent.com 1 Third Party twimg.com 1 Visited nytimes.com 3 Third Party nyt.com 2 Third Party typekit.net 1 Third Party dynamicyield.com 2 Visited cnn.com 7 Third Party turner.com 1 Third Party optimizely.com 1 Third Party ugdturner.com 1 Third Party akamaihd.net 1 Third Party visualrevenue.com 1 Third Party truste.com 1
86 site connections were reduced to 33. No wonder it’s a performance improvement as well as a privacy improvement. The only effect I could see on content was that some ads on some of the sites weren’t shown; all the primary site content was still present.
google.com was the only site that didn’t trigger Tracking Protection (i.e. the shield icon didn’t appear in the address bar).
The results are quite variable. When I repeated the experiment the number of third-party sites without Tracking Protection was sometimes as low as 55, and with Tracking Protection it was sometimes as low as 21. I’m not entirely sure what causes the variation.
If you want to try this experiment yourself, note that Lightbeam was broken by a recent change. If you are using mozilla-inbound, revision db8ff9116376 is the one immediate preceding the breakage. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. I also found Lightbeam’s graph view to be unreliable. And note that the privacy.trackingprotection.enabled preference was recently renamed browser.polaris.enabled. [Update: that is not quite right; Monica Chew has clarified the preferences situation in the comments below.]
Finally, Tracking Protection is under active development, and I’m not sure which version of Firefox it will ship in. In the meantime, if you want to try it out, get a copy of Nightly and follow these instructions.
13 replies on “Quantifying the effects of Firefox’s Tracking Protection”
Thanks for publishing these results, it’s great to start quantifying these effects. Just a note about pref names: privacy.trackingprotection.enabled is a separate pref from browser.polaris.enabled. Enabling the polaris pref will enable the tracking protection pref, turn on DNT, and expose the tracking protection pref in the privacy preferences UI. Disabling the polaris pref will disable tracking protection and hide the UI (and leave DNT alone).
Thank you for the clarification. I’ve added an update to the text.
Is there a way – as a user – to enhance the blocking list? I’d like to have “0” by using “easylist” list for example.
Thanks for the great feature
There’s not currently an easy way to modify the blocklist right now, although that’s a great idea for power users. The blocklist is served by the Safe Browsing protocol, which has the advantage of being able to serve up large amounts of data incrementally, and the disadvantage of being more complicated.
The prefs that control the blocklist are browser.trackingprotection.updateURL, browser.trackingprotection.gethashURL, and urlclassifier.trackingTable. The naming for these was chosen to match existing preferences for Safe Browsing phishing and malware checks. Anyone can start a Safe Browsing server and point these preferences to it. Mozilla’s implementation is at github.com/mozilla-services/shavar.
So this needs the SafeBrowsing-feature enabled?
Doesn’t it send all kinds of data to Google since a few versions ago?
Hi Max,
Safe Browsing is just a protocol that was invented by Google. It doesn’t actually require talking to Google, but Google is the default Safe Browsing provider for phishing and malware detection. If you prefer not to talk to Google, you can turn off phishing and malware detection (not recommended, from a security point-of-view) or point the phishing and malware Safe Browsing preferences to another provider, e.g. http://api.yandex.com/safebrowsing/. Mozilla is running its own Safe Browsing server to serve tracking protection lists, these don’t come from Google.
Phishing and malware detection are independently controlled from tracking protection, though they both use the same Safe Browsing protocol and are enforced by the same part of the code base. The preference that Nick mentions in his post (browser.polaris.enabled) is sufficient to enable tracking protection and will not interfere with phishing and malware detection preferences.
Why is Mozilla using Google for Safe Browsing. I have read a lot criticism about Firefox because of this Feature. Especially from ürivacy sensitiv people.
Why is Firefox not using a Safe Browsing server from Mozilla?
If you say Google has a good list then why is’nt Mozilla loading the list from Google and the Firefox users From Mozilla.
I think this is a big point of criticism under Privacy sensitiv people.
I’m sorry for my bad english.
See Monica’s response below. Also the Safe Browsing v3 API used by Firefox hashes all URLs so that Google cannot see which sites people are visiting. See https://developers.google.com/safe-browsing/ for details, this part in particular: “Privacy: API users exchange data with the server using hashed URLs, so the server never knows the actual URLs queried by the clients.”
(Reply to Alex @ 12:56, not Max — for some reason the reply button is missing from Alex’s comment)
In answer to the question, why doesn’t Mozilla run its own Safe Browsing server for phishing and malware: that’s a very expensive proposition that we don’t have the expertise or resources to support right now. Mozilla should concentrate on its core competencies (building a browser) rather than trying to duplicate a pipeline that is essentially subsidized by Google, who has much more discretionary income than Mozilla.
The variance is likely a result of real time auctions being won or lost by the 3rd party advertisers, and which tracking pixels are being loaded based on cookie data you would have picked up from moving around the web.
That said, I am excited for this tech to make it into the stable channel.
How does this interact with the tracking protection lists available in AdblockPlus ?
Do those lists+ ABP make this feature redundant?
I know that you can run AdBlock Plus and Tracking Protection in tandem. I don’t know anything about AdBlock Plus’s tracking protection lists.
ABP and similar generally use nsIContentPolicy.shouldLoad to stop resources from loading. These content policy checks happen before the network channel is created, and before tracking protection checks. If you run ABP and tracking protection, it just means that ABP will most likely prevent many resources from loading before tracking protection sees them.