Firefox Memory consumption Performance Tracemonkey

You lose more when slow than you gain when fast

SpiderMonkey is Firefox’s JavaScript engine.  In Firefox 3.0 and earlier versions, it was just an interpreter.  In Firefox 3.5, a tracing JIT called TraceMonkey was added.  TraceMonkey was able to massively speed up certain parts of programs, such as tight loops;  parts of programs it couldn’t speed up continued to be interpreted.  TraceMonkey provided large speed improvements, but JavaScript performance overall still didn’t compare that well against that of Safari and Chrome, both of which used method JITs that had worse best-case performance than TraceMonkey, but much better worst-case performance.

If you look at the numbers, this isn’t so surprising.  If you’re 10x faster than the competition on half the cases, and 10x slower on half the cases, you end up being 5.05x slower overall.  Firefox 4.0 added a method JIT, JaegerMonkey, which avoided those really slow cases, and Firefox’s JavaScript performance is now very competitive with other browsers.

The take-away message:  you lose more when slow than you gain when fast. Your performance is determined primarily by your slowest operations.  This is true for two reasons.  First, in software you can easily get such large differences in performance: 10x, 100x, 1000x and more aren’t uncommon.  Second, in complex programs like a web browser, overall performance (i.e. what a user feels when browsing day-to-day) is determined by a huge range of different operations, some of which will be relatively fast and some of which will be relatively slow.

Once you realize this, you start to look for the really slow cases. You know, the ones where the browser slows to a crawl and user starts cursing and clicking wildly and holy crap if this happens again I’m switching to another browser.  Those are the performance effects that most users care about, not whether their browser is 2x slower on some benchmark.  When they say “it’s really fast”, the probably actually mean “it’s never really slow”.

That’s why memory leaks are so bad — because they lead to paging, which utterly destroys performance, probably more than anything else.

It also makes me think that the single most important metric when considering browser performance is page fault counts.  Hmm, I think it’s time to look again at Julian Seward’s VM profiler and the Linux perf tools.


Firefox JägerMonkey Performance Tracemonkey

Multi-faceted JavaScript speed improvements

Firefox 4.0 beta 7’s release announcement was accompanied by the following graphs that show great improvements in JavaScript speed:

Fx4b7 JavaScript speed-ups

Impressive!  The graphs claim speed-ups of 3x, 3x and 5x;  by my calculations the more precise numbers are 3.49x, 2.94x and 5.24x.

The Sunspider and V8bench results are no surprise to anyone who knows about JägerMonkey and has been following AWFY, but the excellent Kraken results really surprised me.  Why?

  • Sunspider and V8bench have been around for ages.  They are the benchmarks most commonly used (for better or worse) to gauge JavaScript performance and so they have been the major drivers of performance improvements.  To put it more bluntly, like all the other browser vendors, we tune for these benchmarks a lot. In contrast, Kraken was only released on September 14th, and so we’ve done very little tuning for it yet.
  • Unlike Sunspider and V8bench, Kraken contains a lot of computationally intensive code such as image and audio processing. These benchmarks are dominated by tight loops containing numerous array accesses.  As a result, they trace really well, and so even 4b7 spends most of its Kraken time (I’d estimate 90%+) in code generated by TraceMonkey, the trace JIT.

We can draw two happy conclusions from Kraken’s improvement.

  • Our speed-ups apply widely, not just to Sunspider and V8bench.
  • Our future performance eggs are not all in one basket: the JavaScript team has made and will continue to make great improvements to the non-JägerMonkey parts of the JavaScript engine.

Firefox 4.0 is going to be great release!

Performance Tracemonkey Valgrind

cg_diff: a differential profiling tool

I frequently use the SunSpider and V8 benchmark suites to compare the speed of different versions of TraceMonkey.  The best metric for speed comparisons is always execution time.  However, measuring execution time on modern machines is unreliable — you get different lots of variation between runs.  This is a particular problem in this cae because the run-times of these benchmarks is very small — SunSpider takes less than 700 ms on my laptop, and V8 takes about 6.5 seconds.  Run-to-run variations can be larger than the difference I’m trying to measure.  This is annoying:  the best speed metric cannot be measured exactly.

So I frequently use Cachegrind to measure the number of executed instructions.  This is a worse metric than execution time — the number of instructions doesn’t directly relate to the execution time, although it’s usually a good indicator — but it has the advantage that it can be measured exactly.  Most of the SunSpider and V8 tests are deterministic, and if I measure them twice in a row I’ll get the same result.  Cachegrind also gives instruction counts on a per-function and per-line basis, which is very useful.

So I often run Cachegrind on two different versions of TraceMonkey:  an unchanged copy of the current repository tip, and a copy of the current repository tip with a patch applied.  I can then compare the results and get a very precise idea of how the patch affects performance.

However, comparing the output of two Cachegrind runs manually is a pain.  For example, here is part of Cachegrind’s output (lightly edited for clarity) for crypto-md5.js with an unchanged repository tip (as of a day or two ago):

48,923,280  PROGRAM TOTALS
 Ir  file:function
5,638,362  ???:???
4,746,990  /build/buildd/eglibc-2.10.1/string/../sysdeps/i386/i686/strcmp.S:strcmp
2,032,069  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::determineSlotType(int*)
1,899,298  jstracer.cpp:bool js::VisitFrameSlots<js::CountSlotsVisitor>(...)
1,759,932  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::checkForGlobalObjectReallocation()
1,232,425  jsops.cpp:js_Interpret
 885,168  jstracer.cpp:bool js::VisitFrameSlots<js::DetermineTypesVisitor>(...)
 871,197  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::set(int*, nanojit::LIns*, bool)
 812,419  /build/buildd/eglibc-2.10.1/iconv/gconv_conf.c:insert_module
 758,034  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::monitorRecording(JSOp)

At the top we have the total instruction count, and then we have the instruction counts for the top 10 functions.  The ???:??? entry represents code generated by TraceMonkey’s JIT compiler, for which there is no debug information.  “Ir” is short for “I-cache reads”, which is equivalent to “instructions executed”.

Cachegrind tracks a lot more than just instruction counts, but I’m only showing them here to keep things simple. It also gives per-line counts, but I’ve omitted them as well.

And here is the corresponding output when a patch from bug 575529 is applied:

42,332,998  PROGRAM TOTALS
       Ir  file:function
4,746,990  /build/buildd/eglibc-2.10.1/string/../sysdeps/i386/i686/strcmp.S:strcmp
4,100,366  ???:???
1,687,434  jstracer.cpp:bool js::VisitFrameSlots(js::CountSlotsVisitor&, JSContext*, unsigned int, js::FrameRegsIter&, JSStackFrame*)
1,343,085  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::checkForGlobalObjectReallocation()
1,229,853  jsops.cpp:js_Interpret
1,137,981  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::determineSlotType(int*)
  868,855  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::set(int*, nanojit::LIns*, bool)
  812,419  /build/buildd/eglibc-2.10.1/iconv/gconv_conf.c:insert_module
  755,753  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::monitorRecording(JSOp)
  575,200  jsscan.cpp:js::TokenStream::getTokenInternal()

It’s easy to see that the total instruction count has dropped from 48.9M to 42.3M, but seeing the changes at a per-function level is more difficult. For a long time I would make this comparison manually by opening the two files side-by-side and reading carefully.  Sometimes I’d also do some cutting-and-pasting to reorder entries. The whole process was tedious, but the information revealed is so useful that I did it anyway.

Then three months ago David Baron asked on Mozilla’s dev-platform mailing list if anybody knew of any good differential profiling tools. This prompted me to realise that I wanted exactly such a tool for Cachegrind. Furthermore, as Cachegrind’s author, I was in a good place to understand exactly what was necessary 🙂

The end result is a new script, cg_diff, that can be used to compute the difference between two Cachegrind output files. Here’s part of the difference between the above two versions:

-6,590,282  PROGRAM TOTALS
        Ir  file:function
-1,537,996  ???:???
  -894,088  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::determineSlotType(int*)
  -416,847  jstracer.cpp:js::TraceRecorder::checkForGlobalObjectReallocation()
  -405,271  jstracer.cpp:bool js::VisitFrameSlots(js::DetermineTypesVisitor&, JSContext*, unsigned int, js::FrameRegsIter&, JSStackFrame*)
  -246,047  nanojit/Containers.h:nanojit::StackFilter::read()
  -238,121  nanojit/Assembler.cpp:nanojit::Assembler::registerAlloc(nanojit::LIns*, int, int)
   230,419  nanojit/LIR.cpp:nanojit::interval::of(nanojit::LIns*)
  -226,070  nanojit/Assembler.cpp:nanojit::Assembler::asm_leave_trace(nanojit::LIns*)
  -211,864  jstracer.cpp:bool js::VisitFrameSlots(js::CountSlotsVisitor&, JSContext*, unsigned int, js::FrameRegsIter&, JSStackFrame*)
  -200,742  nanojit/Assembler.cpp:nanojit::Assembler::findRegFor(nanojit::LIns*, int)

This makes it really easy to see what’s changed. Negative values mean that the instruction count dropped, positive numbers mean that the instruction count increased.

I’ve been using this script for a while now, and it’s really helped me analyse the performance effects of my patches. Indeed, I have some scripts set up so that, with a single command, I can run all of SunSpider through two different versions of TraceMonkey and produce both normal profiles and difference profiles. I can also get high-level instruction comparisons such as the one in this Bugzilla comment.

And now everybody else can use cg_diff too, because I just landed it on the Valgrind trunk. If you want to try it, follow these instructions to setup a copy of the trunk.  And note that if you want to compare two versions of a program that sit in different directories (as opposed to profiling a program, modifying it, then reprofiling it) you’ll need to use cg_diff’s –mod-filename option to get useful results.  Feel free to ask me questions (via email, IRC or in the comments below) if you have troubles.

Happy differencing!