Archive for March, 2015

Fluffy & Foxkeh’s Return!

March 17th, 2015 | Category: News and Events

By KattT – March 2, 2015

It’s been six months since the return of Fluffy and Foxkeh, MozParis’ resident fluffies. For those who don’t know, the pair disappeared on an unexpected journey back in May. They didn’t even leave a goodbye note.

Months passed and hope of their return began to fade when two gentlemen walked in the door with the two missing foxes! They had found them “…in the street. And because we love Mozilla we thought we’d give them to you!”

We can only imagine where the two traveled and what they saw, perhaps one day they will tell us. Until then we’re just thankful to have them back!

Foxeh & Fluffy back in their milieu naturel.



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