Categories: Mozilla

Help Make Open Source Secure

Major security bugs in core pieces of open source software – such as Heartbleed and Shellshock – have elevated highly technical security vulnerabilities into news headlines. Despite these sobering incidents, adequate support for securing open source software remains an unsolved problem, as a panel of 32 security professionals confirmed in 2015. We want to change that, starting today with the creation of the Secure Open Source (“SOS”) Fund aimed at precisely this need.

Open source software is used by millions of businesses and thousands of educational and government institutions for critical applications and services. From Google and Microsoft to the United Nations, open source code is now tightly woven into the fabric of the software that powers the world.

The SOS Fund is part of the Mozilla Open Source Support program (MOSS) and has been allocated $500,000 in initial funding. We hope this is only the beginning. We invite other companies and funders to join us in securing the open source ecosystem. So, if you’re a developer, apply for support and if you’re a funder, join us here.

For more information about our SOS Fund, please visit: