Categories: Security

Web Developer Security 1.0

Raymond Forbes and I will be presenting Web Developer Security 1.0 on Tuesday, June 18th at 12:15 pm PDT. The training will be held in Mozilla’s Mountain View office and also broadcast online.

We will cover a grab bag of proactive security measures Web Developers can take to protect their users and their site. Rather than focusing on how to attack a website, this training focuses on how you can safeguard your website from common threats. Some of the topics we will cover include Content Security Policy, X-Frame-Options, cookie security flags, iframe sandbox, content sanitization, and sensitive data encryption. Deploying these techniques will help protect your users and improve the security of your site.

For those of you who are able to come watch the talk in person, there will be Punch & Pie!

4 comments on “Web Developer Security 1.0”

  1. Kailas wrote on

    It’s very interesting talk. for those who will not be able to attend, Will video recording of the training be available?


    1. Tanvi wrote on

      Yes, the talk will be recorded and available to watch later on

  2. yarrr wrote on

    awesome, will try to tune in

    when you give a time, could you include GMT so i don’t have to think to hard about when that is in !america.

    1. erikano wrote on

      Time converter for the event: