I think I’m missing something. How do people get those changeset URLs to paste into bugs? Ok, if I’m landing on mozilla-central or a project branch, I just get it from tbpl since I’ll be staring at it anyway. But what about some other repo? Like, say, ssh://hg.mozilla.org/users/mstange_themasta.com/tinderboxpushlog?
As usual, I coded my way around the problem before asking the question, which is stupid and backwards. But just in case there really isn’t a good way, here’s my silly hackaround. Put this in the [alias] section of your ~/.hgrc then, after landing a change, do ‘hg urls -l 3’ or similar. (That’ll give you the latest 3 changesets):
urls = !$HG log --template='{node|short} {desc|firstline}\n' ${HG_ARGS/urls /} | perl -lpe 'BEGIN { ($url = shift) =~ s/^\w+/http/ }; s!^(?=\w+)!$url/rev/!' `hg path default`
Picking that apart, it removes the misfeature that $HG_ARGS contains the command you’re running, then passes the remaining command line to hg log with a template set to just print out the changeset shorthash and the first line of the commit message. It sends that and the URL of the default upstream repo through a perl command that rewrites the hg log output to “
A mess, but it works for me.
And yes, I should switch to a blog that isn’t hostile to code. Sorry about that line up there.
My two usual habits:
copy/paste from hg.mozilla.org/{repo} or tbpl.
hg out –template=’http://hg.mozilla.org/{repo-manually-typed}/rev/{node|short}’
and copy/paste that.
I never include checkin comment in bugs I push, just the link to cset.
I type “mst pu” in the addressbar, which autocompletes to http://hg.mozilla.org/users/mstange_themasta.com/tinderboxpushlog/pushloghtml
But your method is nice, too 🙂
Huh? Besides just going to the tinderboxpushlog repo page and copying the diff link?