Let’s talk tablets – because that’s what everyone else is talking about these days. It’s tablet this, and tablet that, but with the latest version of Firefox for Android, we think that the conversation just got more interesting!
With the new version of Firefox for Android (you can download it from the green button on the right of the blog or also download it right here!) the browser works the way you do on a tablet. Here are a few of the reasons that Firefox for Android makes tablet browsing more awesome:
- Tablet tabs are terrific! – You use tabs on your desktop, why not on your tablet? In the past, tabs on a tablet have been a little clumsy, though. Not anymore! Tabs now appear more streamlined – as thumbnail Web pages in the left panel of the tablet screen, so you can easily switch between them with your thumbs (which works well with the way you hold your tablet.) Should you want to hide the tabs for a full-screen experience, just swipe to the left and they disappear from few. It’s like magic!
- It’s built for two-handed browsing – Depending on what you’re task is, you hold your tablet differently. Or, for some, they just have a preference for one direction or the other. The latest Firefox for Android maximizes your browsing experience no matter which direction you choose. In portrait mode, tabs are listed at the top, rather than the side when you’re in landscape mode.
- You control your own experience – Firefox is made for you – the user – and no one else. Using the new Action Bar (next to the Awesome Bar) you can access your preferences, add-ons, downloads and everything that makes your Android browser, well, YOURS! You can add the back, forward and bookmark buttons for easy access, or hide them again.
- One-touch bookmarks give easy access – Located in the Action Bar, you can activate one-touch bookmarks. An icon appears on your Android home screen which is where your favorite Websites and Web apps live, making them as easy to find and use as native apps.
- Your desktop “stuff” follows you wherever you go – Because we know it’s sometimes a pain to type on mobile devices, the tablet experience also incorporates Firefox Sync, so it’s easy to access your browsing history, open tabs, bookmarks and saved passwords from any of your devices. Type less, browse more, is the secret to tablet happiness.
- Developers have cool new functionality – For developers, there is just too much awesome in the new Firefox for Android to mention them all in one blog post. But you can visit the Firefox for Developers page to read all about the new tablet goodness that you can enjoy.
Tablet users finally have a reason to enjoy browsing the Web. And non-tablet users? We think these reasons might make everyone run out for a new Android tablet purchase! To get more information, check out the video, below.