Tweet tweet! If you know how to boil down your thoughts into 140 characters with ease, then you’re a Twitter Tweeter. Firefox has some great tools to help you use the Twitter platform right from your browser.
1. If you’re trying to find a specific topic, hashtag (#) or username on Twitter, Firefox’s integrated Twitter search can help you find it faster. In your menu bar, you have a search box. To change your search engine to Twitter, click the down arrow next to your current search engine icon, and select the Twitter option. Example, with Twitter as your search engine, type #Firefox and then Enter. Ta da! You’re taken right to Twitter to follow the Firefox conversation!
2. If Twitter is a site that you find yourself visiting often, you could use the Firefox “Pin as App Tab” feature. App Tabs are small, can’t be closed accidentally and open automatically when you start Firefox. Here’s how: Control-click or right-click on the tab you want to turn into an App Tab and select “Pin as App Tab” from the menu.
3. Not only do you have to say what you want to say on Twitter with a mere 140 characters, you have to fit a link in there as well. That usually means cutting and pasting urls into a shortener and then cutting and pasting the short url into Twitter. The TinyURL Generator Add-on makes it easier and faster. Found a Website you’d like to share? While you’re on the site, click a button and generate a shortened url to include in your Tweet.
4. . Another great Add-on for Twitter is Yoono. It allows you to share links, images and video from the page you’re viewing to Twitter (and your other social networks) from a browser sidebar. You can also easily see updates from your friends and family right from the browser while you’re surfing the Web – so you’ll never miss another update.
5. Make sure to follow @Firefox on Twitter. We frequently post tips, tricks, photos and fun stuff – don’t miss out on all the updates!
6. 5/18/2012 Update: We’re excited that Twitter now supports Do Not Track, which signifies a big step forward for Do Not Track and the Web. That means if you turn on Do Not Track, Twitter will respect your choice and not keep tabs on your browsing behavior on Twitter.