As you know, we always try to keep you informed of the latest and greatest tips for the best Firefox experience possible. This month, we picked five of our favorites that are always good to remember.
1. Passwords
Think of this as your annual reminder to change them up. Passwords are an important part of staying secure online, but they’re not always easy to come up with (or remember). Luckily, we have a few ideas you might find helpful.
2. Pinned tabs
Pinning tabs allows you to keep your favorite and most often visited sites open and just a click away. Pinned Tabs are small, can’t be closed accidentally and open automatically when you start Firefox.
3. Full screen browsing
Take Firefox (and all your favorite sites) full screen easily and quickly. It’s great for smaller netbook screens or for making the most of your HDTV.
4. Smart keywords
Search IMDB, Wikipedia and other sites straight from your Firefox address bar with smart keywords. Setting them up is super easy; using them is even easier.
5. Do Not Track
The Do Not Track feature in Firefox sends requests to websites on your behalf, letting them know that you prefer they not track your activity on their sites.
Keep an eye out for our monthly tips at the bottom of each newsletter and if you have a tip you’d like to share, please do! Just post it on our Facebook page with #FirefoxTips and tag us, or post it on Twitter with #FirefoxTips.