Contribute to Mozilla Service Week

Spread Firefox Affiliate ButtonIn an effort to bootstrap Mozilla Service Week, we’ve put out our first call for volunteering on

Want to exercise your CSS skills? We need help fixing IE 6 layout issues. We mark IE6 bugs as critical when they block a user’s ability to volunteer, but display bugs are less of a priority. It’s important that this site be accessible to everyone, but we have many higher priority bugs and features to work on, with limited resources.

Display bugs are also an easy way to get started coding, without a lot of setup:

  1. View Source and save the HTML
  2. Make a local copy of the images, CSS, and JavaScript as needed
  3. Reproduce the problem described in the bug
  4. Make changes to the CSS
  5. Submit a patch or CSS snippet to the existing Bug as an attachment

In the coming weeks, we are hoping to package up various tasks in a way that makes it easy for community members to jump in and help.

The volunteering opportunity has all the details.