March 2, 2017
Contributed by,
Let us talk about Firefox’s backend audio system. Every sound you hear while you are watching a video or using a WebRTC service comes from the backend audio library. The role of the library is to communicate with audio devices and to provide audio input and/or output. This library is called ‘cubeb’ and it is part of the Firefox source code.
November 2, 2016
Contributed by,
We recently enabled Forward Error Correction (FEC) for audio streams in Firefox’s WebRTC implementation using the built in support provided by the Opus codec. FEC creates a redundant, low bitrate encoding of audio that can be used to recreate lost packets. Since enabling FEC requires splitting some of the bitrate for use by the redundant encoding that could otherwise be used for the primary encoding, it was important to test whether or not FEC would actually result in improved call quality. (more…)