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November 2, 2016

Changing Firefox MediaStreams to accommodate cloning

Contributed by Andreas Pehrson, Andreas was a software engineer at Telenor Digital 2013-2017.

This article is a re-post of one that I wrote on the Telenor Blog earlier this year. It explains how MediaStreams work in Firefox and the changes I did to them to accommodate cloning.

First of all. What is a MediaStreamTrack, and how can you clone it?

A MediaStreamTrack represents a realtime stream of audio or video data.

It provides a common API to the multiple producers (getUserMedia, WebAudio, Canvas, etc.) and consumers (WebRTC, WebAudio, MediaRecorder, etc.) of MediaStreamTracks.

A MediaStream is simply put a grouping of MediaStreamTracks. A MediaStream also ensures that all tracks contained in it stay synchronized to each other, for instance when it gets played out in a media element.

Cloning a track means that you get a new MediaStreamTrack instance representing the same data as the original, but where the identifier is unique (consumers don’t know it’s a clone) and disabling and stopping works independently across the original and all its clones.

Now, how does all this come together in Firefox? (more…)