Tags Tag archive: 'WebGL'

November 23, 2016

Enhancing webcams with canvas.captureStream()

Contributed by Sigve Sebastian Farstad, Software Engineer in the Strategic Engineering team in Telenor Digital.

A really enhanced webcam stream!

Recently, HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream() was implemented in browsers. This allows you to expose the contents of a HTML5 canvas as a MediaStream to be consumed by applications. This is the same base MediaStream type that getUserMedia returns, which is what websites use to get access to your webcam.

The first question that comes to mind is, of course: “Is it possible to intercept calls to getUserMedia, get a hold of the webcam MediaStream, enhance it by rendering it into a canvas and doing some post-processing, then transparently returning the canvas’ MediaStream?”

As it turns out, the answer is (more…)