Jetpack Project: weekly update for January 08, 2013

Project News

  • It’s a new year! And with that comes a new SDK product road-map for 2013! The blog post is here, and if you have any feedback we’d love to hear about it on this Google groups thread.

Quick Stats

Note: the stats above are based on the queries I linked to for each item. If you have suggestions on how these queries might be made more accurate,please comment below. Stats generated at 2013-01-08 12:54:34 PST

Meeting Brief

  • P1 bugs: lots of discussion on landing plans, panel improvements and per-window private browsing.
  • SDK: Jeff & Matteo are working with the mobile team to resolve a regression in Firefox 19.
  • Roundtable: we talked over work week plans, a possible file API contribution, a code coverage update and a new blogging schedule for the new year.

Full minutes are available here: