Mozilla’s Myk Melez created a great video introduction to add-on development for Mozilla’s Design Challenge Spring 09. If you’ve be looking for a video walk-through, Myk just served it up for you.
Grok extensions, set up your development environment, and make your first one. We’ll explain how extensions integrate into Firefox and what they can do, show you how to set up an environment to ease their development, and walk you through the making of a simple “Hello World!” extension. Bring your laptop and prepare to follow along. By the end of this session, you’ll be an extension developer.
Extension Bootcamp (Mozilla Labs Design Challenge: Spring 09) from Mozilla Labs – Concept Series on Vimeo.
Now combine the video with Robert Nyman’s step-by-step add-on tutorial and the newly released Firefox Add-ons Developer Guide and you’ll be well on your way to honing your add-on development skills.
Namke von Federlein
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Lisa Duvet
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