The Jetpack team is proud to announce the release of Add-on SDK version 1.6! This version of the SDK is mostly a bug-fix release yet with one very important update, the documentation.
The SDK documentation has been updated for easier navigation and more information, including tutorials on using a few community-built modules that aren’t in the core SDK. You can always find the latest documentation here:
In addition to the documentation, this release has quite a few bug fixes. You can read more details of these fixes as well as some known issues in the release notes.
As always, we’d love to hear from you about your experiences with this release. You can contact us in a variety of ways:
post to our discussion group
chat with us on #jetpack
report a bug
check out the source and contribute bug fixes, enhancements, or documentation
For more information on the Jetpack Project check out our wiki
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Dave Mason
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Dave Mason
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