Pick of the Month: Screengrab
by Oleksandr
Screengrab saves entire webpages as images. Just right-click on the page you want to grab and look in the “Screengrab” menu.
I love this add-on…I can use it to grab whole pages of my website designs to use in my portfolio, to show prospective customers. Brilliant!”
Also Featured
iMacros for Firefox by iOpus
Automate Firefox. Record and replay repetitious work. If you love the Firefox web browser, but are tired of repetitive tasks like visiting the same sites every days, filling out forms, and remembering passwords, then iMacros for Firefox is the solution you’ve been dreaming of!
User Agent Switcher by chrispederick
The User Agent Switcher extension adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of a browser.
Nominate your favorite add-ons!
Featured add-ons are selected by a community board made up of add-on developers, users, and fans. Board members change every six months, so there’s always an opportunity to participate. If you’d like to join, keep an eye on this blog for the next application cycle.
If you’d like to nominate an add-on for featuring, please send it to amo-featured@mozilla.org for the board’s consideration. We welcome you to submit your own add-on!