Test your add-ons for Multi-process Firefox compatibility

You might have heard the news that future versions of Firefox will run the browser UI separately from web content. This is called Multi-process Firefox (also “Electrolysis” or “e10s”), and it will improve browsing performance for your users.

If your add-on code accesses web content directly, using an overlay extension, a bootstrapped extension, or low-level SDK APIs like window/utils or tabs/utils, then you will probably be affected.

Multi-process Firefox is scheduled for release in the next few months, so we urge you to test your add-ons for compatibility.

  • If it breaks in Multi-process Firefox, your users will be impacted, and you will need to update your add-on. You can find documentation on how to make them compatible here.
  • If it does not break in Multi-process Firefox, you will need to flag it as compatible in the install manifest.

We are available to assist you every Tuesday in the #addons channel at irc.mozilla.org. Click here to see the schedule. Whether you need help testing or making your add-ons compatible, we’re here to help!

6 comments on “Test your add-ons for Multi-process Firefox compatibility”

  1. Charles wrote on

    A notice: The links to MSN pages should include the segment /en-US/ to prevent ‘Not Found’ errors when redirecting to non-existent localized pages…

    1. Amy Tsay wrote on

      Thanks Charles, the links have been updated.

  2. Mindaugas wrote on

    Which timezone is that schedule for?

    1. Amy Tsay wrote on

      It should automatically display the correct time blocks, whatever time zone you’re in.

  3. Peuj wrote on


    About “Starting Nov. 24, 2015, we are available to assist you every Tuesday in the #addons channel at irc.mozilla.org. Click here to see the schedule. Whether you need help testing or making your add-ons compatible, we’re here to help!”

    Is it still true?

    Because since this morning there is nobody available.


    1. Jorge Villalobos wrote on

      Sorry, we forgot to update the information. Last Tuesday (and this whole week) there’s a big Mozilla event and most employees were unavailable. The office hours should resume next week.