December 2015 Featured Add-ons

Pick of the Month: Fox Web Security

by Oleksandr
Fox Web Security is designed to automatically block known dangerous websites and unwanted content that is not suitable for children.

“This add-on is extremely fast and effective! You can say goodbye to porno sites, scams and viruses—now my web is absolutely safe.”

Featured: YouTube™ Flash-HTML5

by A Ulmer
YouTube™ Flash-HTML allows you to play YouTube Videos in Flash or HTML5 player.

Featured: AdBlock for YouTube™

by AdblockLite
AdBlock for YouTube™ removes all ads from YouTube.

Featured: 1-Click YouTube Video Download

by The 1-Click YouTube Video Download Team
The simplest YouTube Video Downloader for all YouTube Flash sites, period.

Nominate your favorite add-ons

Featured add-ons are selected by a community board made up of add-on developers, users, and fans. Board members change every six months, so there’s always an opportunity to participate. Stayed tuned to this blog for the next call for applications.

If you’d like to nominate an add-on for featuring, please send it to for the board’s consideration. We welcome you to submit your own add-on!

10 comments on “December 2015 Featured Add-ons”

  1. guest wrote on

    description of “1-Click YouTube Video Download” is wrong

    1. Amy Tsay wrote on

      Thanks for the catch, it’s been corrected.

  2. Yunier J wrote on

    As other times, the post in Spanish 😉

    1. Amy Tsay wrote on

      Awesome, thanks!

    2. Bobby vest wrote on

      I cant

  3. ricky smith wrote on

    The extensions are still not been marked as featured yet. Just in case 🙂

  4. Steven Smith wrote on

    I like Fox Web Security. Thanks

  5. Matt Selby wrote on

    I use Adblock for youtube and the regular Adblock for Firefox . The only downside is it often conflicts with my Facebook Ads, even when turned off. Other than that, it works a treat 🙂

  6. okan ozkan wrote on

    AdBlock for YouTube is wonderfull.

  7. ntwrkr Magazine wrote on

    My favorite among this list is AdBlock for YouTube™. We are on YT all the time and the extension saves a lot of time and a lot of bandwidth. LOVE IT!