Hacktoberfest is an event organized by DigitalOcean in partnership with GitHub. It encourages contributions to open source projects during the month of October. This year the webextensions-examples project participated.
“webextensions-examples” is a collection of simple but complete and installable WebExtensions, that demonstrate how to use the APIs and provide a starting point for people writing their own WebExtensions.
We had a great response: contributions from 8 new volunteers in October. Contributions included 4 brand-new complete examples:
- emoji-substitution: shows how to use a content script to modify web pages. “emoji-substitution” replaces text in web pages with the corresponding emoji.
- list-cookies: shows how to use the cookies API, by showing a popup that lists all the cookies in the active tab.
- selection-to-clipboard: shows how to copy text to the system clipboard, by injecting a content script into pages that copies the selection to the clipboard on mouse-up events.
- window-manipulator: shows how to use the windows API to manipulate browser windows. It adds options to resize, open, close, and minimize windows.
So thanks to DigitalOcean, to the add-ons team for helping me review PRs, and most of all, to our new contributors:
Gerd Neumann
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