7 responses

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  1. georgi wrote on :

    innovation mozila


  2. Ahmed Abdallah wrote on :

    I like your work so much, it’s modern but I feel the collection this time close to science and nature, the rays that goes from the center of the logo are too much, I believe it would be better to remove them, the one with the green colors is the best of them but needs to be more colored, I know you want the logo to be user friendly, but I think it needs to be sharp somehow, if you don’t mind I want to make some work for the logo and send it to you, please tell me if that is possible, finally, you’re a great creative designer đŸ™‚


    1. John Slater wrote on :

      Thanks for the input! These are all pretty early explorations…I think the final will end up looking fairly different. I’ll be posting more updates on design and participation soon.


  3. Marcio S Galli wrote on :

    Some of the M logos, when looking from far, reminds me of a punch in my face. Search for punch/fist logos over google images.


  4. John Slater wrote on :

    Hi Marcio. Thanks for the comment, and never fear…these are still early explorations. The final logo definitely won’t look like a fist.

    Keep the feedback coming, please!


  5. Steve wrote on :

    It’s just a personal opinion of course, but lower-case, sans-serif, pastel lettering convey a timid, cute and ingratiating attitude – like those people who don’t use capitals in their correspondence (e e cummings would not approve). The “M” doesn’t have to be an non-stylized logo, but technology products that users rely upon to be secure and effective should send the signal that the organization takes those concerns very seriously.

    But if the logo is aimed less at users and more at the tech crowd at Mozilla, then your approach may be correct.


    1. John Slater wrote on :

      Thanks Steve. Really appreciate the input. There are a lot of things we want the logo to represent – timid and ingratiating are not among them! We’re still very much in the initial exploration phase right now, so we’ll certainly keep working to make sure we play up the right things.


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