Encryption, Journalism and Free Expression

Over the past several weeks, Mozilla has been running an educational campaign about encryption. We believe it’s essential for everyday Internet users to better understand the technology that helps keep the Web a more secure platform.

So far, we’ve explored encryption’s role in helping protect users’ personal, intimate information. We’ve created an animated short that uses plain language to explain how encryption works. And we’ve expressed our support for Apple in its ongoing case against the FBI.

Today, we’re spotlighting how encryption can support not only our personal security, but also how it can play a role in promoting values like free expression that most of us hold dear.

Recently, Mozilla spoke with Trevor Timm, Executive Director of Freedom of the Press Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports and defends journalism dedicated to transparency and accountability. “Increasingly, encryption is playing a huge role in upholding free expression rights,” Trevor says. You can learn more by watching our interview below:

I hope you’ll take a moment, hear Trevor, and share this video with friends and family. Broadening public understanding of encryption is the first step toward protecting it. We’ve learned that an informed public is one of the open Internet movement’s most powerful tools.

Mozilla is also supporting encryption by placing a technologist, in collaboration with the Ford Foundation, at the Freedom Of The Press Foundation. It’s part of our Open Web Fellows program — if you are interested in this program, apply by March 20.

Thanks for being involved and for joining the discussion about encryption. It’s an important moment for all of us to be talking about these issues.

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