How would you measure the health of the Internet?
If you want to know if the Internet is healthy, what do you track? The number of people online? The speed of your connection?
Mozilla’s Internet Health Report is an open source initiative to document and explain what’s happening with the Internet combining research from multiple sources.
A prototype of the report was released in January (version 0.1) that included 20 data visualizations of internet health metrics across five issues: decentralization, openness, privacy and security, web literacy and digital inclusion. Since then we have received lots of insightful feedback.
Now, in preparation for the next publication, we’re asking you: what are the most important things to track?
With something as large and complex as the Internet, we can only benefit from working together to figure out what is measurable, globally relevant and most significant to Internet health.
Your ideas, votes and feedback will be reviewed by our research advisors, who will help chose the 10-20 indicators to include in the Internet Health Report in 2018 and beyond.
To have your say, visit by June 9 June 16, 2017.
For more information about this process check our FAQs.
The indicators that are selected through this process will serve as the foundation for the 2018 Internet Health Report, but the final publication will also include additional research and content.
Thanks in advance for participating!