Our latest challenge on the Creative Collective was to design the official Mozilla 2010 t-shirt, an exclusive item that will be printed and distributed to active contributors around the world. We received over 700 submissions from the community, which were reviewed carefully and narrowed down to the top 5 according to the following criteria: creativity in design concept, effectiveness at communicating key themes, and adherence to the stated creative brief. Voting has already begun, and it’s up to you to decide the winner.
When reviewing the top 5 designs, please keep in mind that the Mozilla logo marks will be printed on the back by default. So, it’s okay that the front of the t-shirt takes a more creative/abstract approach in conveying the key themes and values that Mozilla embodies – in fact, we encouraged it.
Please take a moment and help us select the official Mozilla 2010 t-shirt by voting for your favorite designs. Voting will end on Friday May 14th at 11:59 PM (PST). We’re excited to see which design wins!