AreWeFastYet Improvements

I’m pleased to announce that we have rebooted AreWeFastYet with a whole
new set of features! The big ones:

  • The graphs now display a hybrid view that contains full history, as well as recent checkins.
  • You can select areas of the graph to zoom in and get a detailed view.
  • Tooltips can be pinned and moved around to make comparing easier.
  • Tooltips now have more information, like revision ranges and changelogs.
  • The site is now much faster as it is almost entirely client-side.

You can check it out at

About AreWeFastYet

AreWeFastYet is the JavaScript Team’s tool for automatically monitoring
JavaScript performance. It helps us spot regressions, and it provides a
clear view of where to drive benchmark performance work.

It began as a demotivational joke during Firefox 4 development. It
originally just said “No”. Once it got graphs, though, it became a
strong motivator. The goal was very clear: we had to make the lines
cross, and with each performance checkin we could see ourselves edge closer.

After the Firefox 4 release AWFY took on an additional role. Since it
ran every 30 minutes, we could easily spot performance regressions.
However this had the unexpected and unfortunate side effect of taking
away the long-term view of JavaScript performance.

The new version of AWFY is designed to address that problem, as well as
fix numerous usability issues.


Previously AWFY was written in PHP and used expensive server-side
database queries. Now the website is entirely client-side,
self-contained in static HTML, JavaScript, and JSON. Since there is a
large amount of data, the JSON is divided into small files based on the
granularity of information needed. As you zoom in, new data sets at the
required detail are fetched asynchronously.

The JSON is updated every 15 minutes, since it takes about that long to
re-process all the old data.

The new source code is all available on GitHub:

I would like to give a HUGE thank you to John Schoenick, who made Many of AWFY’s problems had been solved and
implemented in AWSY, and John was extremely helpful in explaining them
as well as helping with the actual HTML and CSS.

5 responses

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  1. Arpad Borsos wrote on :

    Now the only thing thats missing are better (more?) benchmarks.
    And a graph for the new BaselineCompiler maybe?


    1. David Anderson wrote on :

      Yeah, we would like to put the baseline compiler up there soon – I think we are waiting for it to run more of the benchmarks first.


  2. special K wrote on :

    Why only mac platform? Where linux or windows?


  3. Yunier J wrote on :

    The last days have made a good work on IonMonkey. The distance between V8 and IonMonkey is each time more little. Congratulations!


  4. phyten wrote on :

    Great! I I will try it.


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