Social sites and services are a key part of online life and we develop Firefox for how you use the Web. Over the last year, we’ve been working on ways to integrate social sites and services directly into Firefox to quickly and easily connect you with your friends and family.
Last year, we launched with Facebook as the first social integration partner in Firefox. Soon after that we added Cliqz, Mixi and msnNOW and we look forward to integrating more social sites, services and apps into Firefox to make your browsing experience more social, customisable and personal.
As part of expanding our social offering to provide you with an even better experience, we developed the ability to easily share content from Firefox. The share button on the Firefox toolbar lets you share your favourite content in a few clicks with friends or followers directly from Firefox, wherever you go on the Web. You can post an interesting article to your profile, share a recipe with your friends or send an idea for a gift in a private message or email, all without leaving the Web page you are visiting. You can try out this now in with Facebook Messenger for Firefox or Cliqz.
You can interact with your friends and family via Firefox in other ways as well. You can comment or see your personal content via a consistent sidebar, check your notifications directly within the Firefox toolbar, chat with your friends without leaving the Web page you are on, and now share content with your friends, followers and networks directly within Firefox.
There is endless potential for integrating social networks, e-mail, finance, music, to-do lists, sports, news and other applications into your Firefox experience.
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- Release notes for Firefox for Windows, Mac and Linux
- Mixed Content Blocker
- Firefox Has a New Logo