Welcome to the Web Application Security Blog.
Various members of Mozilla’s Infrastructure Security Team have setup this blog to evangelize Web Security in areas such as:
- web coding standards and guidelines;
- infrastructure issues as it pertains to web applications such as system security, logging and system monitoring;
- storage of sensitive information such as passwords or personal information.
This blog will be different from the Mozilla Security Blog as it will cover issues in more detail and will be higher frequency.
Sources for information:
- Main Wiki: https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAppSec
- Mailing List: https://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/webappsec
- Secure Coding Guidelines: https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAppSec/Secure_Coding_Guidelines
- Mozilla’s Web Bounty: http://www.mozilla.org/security/bug-bounty-faq-webapp.html
- Our Twitter Account: @MozWebSec
As always, if you think you have found a security issue with any Mozilla product or service, please send us an email to security@mozilla.org.
Chris Lyon
Directory of Infrastructure Security
on behalf of the entire Infrastructure Security Team
Brandon Sterne
wrote on
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