Socorro Updates

We’ve pushed some important updates in the last couple of days:

  • refactor of processor code, which is 1/3 of the breakpad server
  • update of reporter to allow for instant queuing of requested reports

This means:

  • If you submit a crash, going to that crash page will:
    • Show you a “haven’t queued it yet” page instead of a 404
      page that will update in < 10 min
    • Once queued, you’ll see a “report pending” page that will
      redirect to the finished report in < 21 seconds
  • Wait time for reports from testers is reduced to 10 min max,
    sometimes 21 seconds best-case
  • We are working on eliminating the 10 min portion but there are
    reasons why we can’t spam the monitor that is responsible for
    queuing new reports that are on disk — more on that next week (I
    want this to get down to: load, wait 20 seconds, BAM! see your report)

Thanks for everyone’s patience with the crash report backlog during releases — we hope this helps many of you.

Let me know if you have any questions.  More to come in the next few weeks!  Thanks to Lars, Ted and Aravind for their help with developing/ testing and pushing these updates.

2 responses

  1. Brandon Welsch wrote on :

    I have tried downloading Firefox over 10 times and every time it crashes and will not even let me into my gmail account. I wrote to you guys every time and did not get a response. I love using firefox and want to use thunderbird when and if i could ever get firefox to work on my computer.

  2. morgamic wrote on :

    Brandon – when does it crash? On startup? If so, you may want to try creating a new profile to see if that helps.