Working with ss and chofman, we’ve created 2 new types of reports: a Top Crashers by Url and a Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF).
Given the current state of performance of the non-report parts of Socorro’s webapp, most of the thought and time have gone into the backend piece of these reports. You can read about the ReportDatabaseDesign on the project’s wiki.
Top Crashers by URL
On which websites do our browser builds crash the most? Which curses do our users hurl at us when this happens?
This report uses the optional url feild of a crash report to answer this question. It has two modes byurl and bydomain. You can read more about the details on TopCrashersByUrl. Crashes which have a comment, include the comment and a link to the actual crash report. Don’t worry, personal details have been removed, we don’t tie a specific user to a specific url.
We will be putting links into Socorro to these new reports, with the work neilio is doing, but for now here are various links.
We’ve enabled top crashers by URL for Firefox 3.0.5, 3.1b2, 3.1b3pre, and 3.0.6pre. Each of these link to “by domain” breakdowns, so 3.0.6pre has a link to this by domains view.
Is this new release more crashy than previous releases?
Squeaking in before New Year’s Eve’s MFBT comes the MTBF report. It is a graph of the average number of seconds a release runs before crashing. Details are at MeanTimeBeforeFailure on the wiki.
We’re running MTBF reports for 14 releases:
Firefox major, milestone, and development releases.
Thunderbird milestone, and development releases. (No Milestone releases in Socorro yet)
Coming Soon: SeaMonkey
These reports are for a release in general as well as stats for Mac and Win, allowing for drilling down into OS. Several frontend enhancements to this report are coming.
, Product and versions in these reports include:
- Firefox 3.0.4
- Firefox 3.0.5
- Firefox 3.1a2
- Firefox 3.1b1
- Firefox 3.1b2
- Firefox 3.0.4pre
- Firefox 3.0.5pre
- Firefox 3.0.6pre
- Firefox 3.1b3pre
- Firefox 3.1b2pre
- Thunderbird 3.0a3
- Thunderbird 3.0b1
- Thunderbird 3.0b1pre
- Thunderbird 3.0b2pre
I’ve gotten a good dose of feedback on tweaks to make and bugs to fix, but hopefully you’ll find these new reports useful. Tomcat has already mentioned augmenting his list of urls to populate his test automation for 3.1 (using spider to test most popular urls) with the urls in these reports.
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