In recent blog posts I’ve talked about our plans for Socorro and our move to HBase.
Today, I’d like to invite community feedback on the draft of our plans for Socorro 2.0. In summary, we have been moving our data into HBase, the Hadoop database. In 1.7 we began exclusively using HBase for crash storage. In 1.8 we will move the processors and minidump_stackwalk to Hadoop.
Here comes the future
In 1.9, we will enable pulling data from HBase for the webapp via a web services layer. This layer is also known as “the pythonic middleware layer”. (Nominations for a catchier name are open. My suggestion of calling it “hoopsnake” was not well received.)
In 2.0 we will expose HBase functionality to the end user. We also have a number of other improvements planned for the 2.x releases, including:
- Full text search of crashes
- Faceted search
- Ability for users to run MapReduce jobs from the webapp
- Better visibility for explosive and critical crashes
- Better post-crash user engagement via email
Full details can be found in the draft PRD. If you prefer the visual approach you can read the slides I presented at the Mozilla Summit last month.
Give us feedback!
We welcome all feedback from the community of users – please take a look and let us know what we’re missing. We’re also really interested in feedback about the best order in which to implement the planned features.
You can send your feedback to laura at mozilla dot com – I look forward to reading it.
Ludovic Hirlimann wrote on :
Janet Swisher wrote on :