As add-on authors quickly realize when submitting their work to AMO, the review process is typically the hardest part to get through mainly due to the immense amount of add-on submissions we receive. Going through the queues can be a daunting task as new add-ons and updates come in daily.
This past weekend we decided to dedicate ourselves to bringing these submissions down to a manageable number and helping the development community get the feedback they so badly craved.
The AMO Review Queue Burndown brought 16 add-on editors & developers together for a weekend of add-on code reviews making for interesting conversations, ideas to improve the review process and hard core code scrutinizing. We’re happy to report it was a great success.
We started with 232 Pending Updates & 353 Nominated Add-ons at 12:47am 6/27/09. As of 9am EST today, we’re at 86 pending updates & 114 nominated add-ons. The editors absolutely kicked ass and worked feverishly through the weekend to help get the queues down. The following were the dedicated crew that participated this weekend:
- Shivanand Sharma
- Akira Kurogane
- Yair Halevi
- Prasad Sunkari
- Justin Samuel
- Jose Bolanos
- Jorge Villalobos
- Nate Weiner
- Ezadkiel Marbella
- Denis Remondini
- Andreas Wagner
- Andrew Williamson
- Gijs Kruitbosch
- Oliver Saier
- Sid Kalra
- Scott McCammon
In all, considering some authors received feedback and fixed + renominated their add-ons, the editors reviewed about 221 updates and 308 nominated add-ons during the weekend!! Outstanding! Words cannot express how much this effort is appreciated by this dedicated group of volunteers. It shows their love and commitment for the Mozilla community.
We still have a lot of work to do but that’s a massive dent that I’m sure will bring a welcome smile to many add-on authors as we start the week off.
wrote on
Kurt (supernova_00)
wrote on
Sven Schwarz
wrote on
Michael Hagerty
wrote on
Jay Meattle
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wrote on
Rey Bango
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