Last month at the all-hands someone ( Wes Kocher? ) suggested the idea of curating a list of feeds and posts specifically focused on the Jetpack project. I’ve been crazy busy since then but finally got around to deploying Planet Jetpack yesterday to my Linode box as a beta as I wait some more formal hosting. The web page is here and the source code is of course on github.
If you’re interested in keeping up with the Jetpack project and community, feel free to subscribe! As well, if you post on your blog about the SDK and would like those posts aggregated, please either email me at jgriffiths (at), open an issue on github or ( ideally! ) do this:
- fork the github repo
- check out the platnet-jetpack branch
- add your feed to jetpack/config.ini
- send me a pull request.
I also recently discovered the nascent @mozillajetpack account on twitter. After some searching I managed to discover the former owners who set it up when Jetpack was still a Labs project. The intention is to post a low-traffic, high signal-to-noise ratio stream of tweets about SDK events, posts and people. If this is of interest to you please follow or add the account to a list. If you see anything in your web travels that might be of interest to other people in the Jetpack project, feel free to share with @mozillajetpack and I will RT!
John Nagle wrote on
Johan Sundström wrote on
John Nagle wrote on
Jeff Griffiths wrote on
John Nagle, Silicon Valley, CA wrote on
Jeff Griffiths wrote on
John Nagle, Silicon Valley, CA wrote on
Jeff Griffiths wrote on