Categories: jetpack releases sdk

Announcing Add-on SDK 1.4!

The Jetpack team is proud to announce the release of Add-on SDK 1.4! This version of the SDK has the most new features of all the releases we have made since the 1.0 release. Some of the new features include:

– Thanks to community members Hernan Colmeiro and Erik Vold, we have a new Simple Prefs API allowing you to easily create preferences for your add-on. Please see the documentation to learn how to use this new API.

– We have a brand new loader which is simplified and should give us even better performance.

– We have a new layout to the XPI files generated by the SDK. *Please note this if you have hard-coded any resource://URL links!! You should fix those links as specified in the release notes!*

For more new features and known issues,please see the Release Notes.

To get started building add-ons with the Add-on SDK, download it, then check out the documentation!

As always, we’d love to hear from you about your experiences with this release. You can contact us in a variety of ways:

post to our discussion group
chat with us on #jetpack
report a bug
check out the source and contribute bug fixes, enhancements, or documentation

For more information on the Jetpack Project check out our wiki

4 comments on “Announcing Add-on SDK 1.4!”

  1. Marcin wrote on

    Great news. This will certainly be useful. But it would be awesome to have toolbars and/or toolbar-buttons modules.

  2. ongaeshi wrote on

    Good news. I want to use Simple Prefs API .

  3. Igor wrote on

    Download URL in the article is broken, and link to “jetpack-sdk-latest.tar.gz” from Installation docs return SDK 1.3…

    1. Dave Mason wrote on

      Hi Igor,

      I’m sorry it went missing just as you tried. We found a nasty bug and pulled it to be safe. It has just been returned – you may download it here as version 1.4.3:

      Very soon there will be a post on this blog describing the issue and why we did what we did. Again, sorry that you happened upon it just as we took it down!