The Jetpack team is terribly pleased to announce the immediate availability of SDK 1.11. You can download the SDK directly in either zip or tarball format.
What’s new?
SDK 1.11 is the most significant release in recent memory, largely due to the enhancements we’ve made to the page-mod module. Page-mod is easily one of the most popular and powerful modules we provide in the SDK, and we think these enhancements bring the module’s capabilities in line with what developers are demanding:
- When a user installs an add-on that implements a page-mod, any existing pages that would match your include criteria are applied instantly.
- Conversely, when an add-on is uninstalled any live page-mods are removed dynamically.
- Page-mod now features fine-grained control over which documents are injected not only based on url, but also whether the document is loaded into an frame/iframe or is the top-level document.
For a full explanation please see these excellent blog posts from Alex and Matteo, and of course the docs. For more new features and a list of the bug fixes that are shipping in this release, please see the Release Notes and the full documentation.
Some interesting stats about this release ( from the github history between the 1.10 & 1.11 tags ):
- 201 changes in 60 pull requests between tags 1.10 and 1.11
- Community contributors: Arky & Gregg Lind
As always, we’d love to hear from you about your experiences with this release. You can contact us in a variety of ways:
post to our discussion group
chat with us on #jetpack
report a bug
check out the source and contribute bug fixes, enhancements, or documentation
For more information on the Jetpack Project check out our wiki.
tom jones wrote on
Jeff Griffiths wrote on
tom jones wrote on
Jeff Griffiths wrote on
John Nagle, Silicon Valley, CA wrote on
Jeff Griffiths wrote on