Project News
- SDK 1.11 was released today – go get it!
- Ever wonder what the most popular SDK-based add-on is? By a large margin, the number one spot is ‘Easy Youtube Video Downloader‘ with over 2 million users!
- If you’re attending Mozcamp or are in the Singapore area on the evening of Nov 15th, Jetpack developers Matteo Feretti & Erik Vold will be giving a workshop on developing mobile add-ons at the Hub. Stay tuned here or follow the @mozillajetpack twitter account for more details.
Quick Stats
- Total open bugs: 409
- Bugs created last week: 15
- Bugs fixed last week: 8
- Total SDK-based Add-ons on AMO: 1,173
- Open pull requests on Github: 33
Note: the stats above are based on the queries I linked to for each item. If you have suggestions on how these queries might be made more accurate,please comment below. Stats generated at 2012-10-30 14:17:09 PDT
Meeting Brief
- Builder: optimistic about pushing 1.11 to Builder production tomorrow.
- SDK: 1.11 release today!
- Roundtable: 87% of Fennec tests are passing! CFX-JS tests are passing in node and SDK! Also Mozcamp plans and a slight delay in Erik’s awesomeness.
Full minutes are available here: