New Developer Agreement

Up until now, we’ve had a fairly basic developer agreement that hasn’t changed with the needs of our developers and our service. Today, we’re launching a new agreement that clarifies … Read more

Come to our Add-ons Meetup

On May 26 at 7pm we’re going to host the inaugural Add-ons meetup here at Mozilla. We’ll serve pizza and refreshments and give you a little presentation on what we’ve … Read more

Adding-on to yesterday’s post

Yesterday, we announced that we were renaming Firefox Add-ons to Firefox Change-arounds. After the outpouring of feedback to our announcement post, we’ve decided to reverse the name change and go … Read more

Changing things around

Add-on. Add-in. Plug-in. Extension. These are all words that describe third-party pieces of software added to a browser to enhance functionality. Different platforms call it different things. In the world … Read more