Articles tagged with “developers”

Extensions in Firefox 85

Before we get into the updates coming to Firefox 85, I want to highlight two changes that we uplifted to Firefox 84, now on release: Expose HTTPS-Only preference in … Read more

Extensions in Firefox 84

Here are our highlights of what’s coming up in the Firefox 84 release: You can now zoom extension panels, popups, and sidebars using Ctrl+scroll wheel (Cmd+scroll wheel on macOS). Under … Read more

Download Statistics Update

In June, we announced that we were making changes to add-on usage statistics on (AMO).  Now, we’re making a similar change to add-on download statistics. These statistics are aggregated … Read more

Extensions in Firefox 81

In Firefox 81, we have improved error messages for extension developers and updated user-facing notifications  to provide more information on how extensions are modifying their settings. For developers, the menus.create … Read more