Axel Hecht Mozilla in Your Language

September 22, 2009

Axel loves the web

Filed under: Mozilla — Tags: — Axel Hecht @ 10:49 am

Good for the planet earth, I didn’t print poster number 5. I’ve put it up on, hopefully that’s serving it with a mime type that’s full of love.

Bad for planet mozilla, I did take a picture and here I’m blogging about it.

Axel loves the web

Yes, I love the web so much, you can hardly see me. But you do see real full screen on a mac, German namoroka nightly. And you the same one web on my N810 (not so current 1.9.2 nightly). And the infamous “Don’t hurt the web” shirt with that, of course.

September 9, 2009

String freezes on 1.9.2

Filed under: L10n,Mozilla — Tags: , — Axel Hecht @ 2:59 pm

As we’re struggling with our string freezes for 1.9.2, I figured I’d put something up on planet for everyone to notice:

  • String freezes are one only, and done with. No “I’ll get that in the next milestone”. First string freeze is the last.
  • String freeze for mobile-browser and toolkit was last Friday. For mobile-browser seriously this Friday, Sept 11th. (*).
  • String freeze for Firefox 3.6 is Sept 14th.

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