Localization is a strong and meaningful part of what the community does inside the project. Localization allow us to consume and contribute to the project in a way that touches us personally- in aesthetic, temperament, feel and of course language. Knowledge share via video is no different.
Are you a volunteer passionate about connecting people and knowledge withing the project? Do you have capacity to localize content though subtitling, narrating or re-offering knowledge video in a non-english form? Or, what knowledge do you have to share that will have an impact on the project- in your local language?
Come find us! Mozillians need your help connecting to the knowledge across the cultures of the project.
Of if you’re not the one who has the expertise that needs sharing, what if you’re a producer? We’re looking for 3-5 minute videos that share knowledge in your language.
Please email or post a link to your video in the comments of this blog. If it fits into a Know-How, Grow Yourself, Grow the Project or Culture and Context, we want to see it!