Rolling Out HTTPS Google search
Now in Aurora: Secure Google Searches are default. In Aurora when you search using the location bar, search box, or the right-click menu, your search will be sent to Google … Read more
Now in Aurora: Secure Google Searches are default. In Aurora when you search using the location bar, search box, or the right-click menu, your search will be sent to Google … Read more
As Do Not Track picks up steam and standardization is well underway in the W3C, people have begun asking, “If Do Not Track is so good for the web, why don’t you turn it on by default?” Do Not Track is not Mozilla’s position on tracking, it’s the individual’s! For that reason we have no plans to turn on Do Not Track by default. Read more
For a while now we at Mozilla have been talking about our privacy operating principles. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make sure we deliver on these promises, and want to share a little bit of the backstage work we’ve done to make Firefox live up to these promises when we release a new feature called Telemetry. Read more