The Application Cache (AppCache) interface provides a caching mechanism that allows websites to run offline. Using this API, developers can specify resources that the browser should cache and make available to users offline. Unfortunately, AppCache has limitations in revalidating its cache, which allows attackers to trick the browser into never revalidate the cache by setting a manifest to a malformed cache file. Removing AppCache over HTTP connections removes the risk that users could see stale cached content that came from a malicious connection indefinitely.
Consider the following attack scenario: A user logs onto a coffee shop WiFi where an attacker can manipulate the WiFi that is served over HTTP. Even if the user only visits one HTTP page over the WiFi, the attacker can plant many insecure iframes using AppCache which allows the attacker to rig the cache with malicious content manipulating all of those sites indefinitely. Even a cautious user who decides only to login to their websites at home is at risk due to this stale cache.
In line with our previous stated intents of deprecating HTTP and requiring HTTPS for all new APIs, we are continuing to remove features from sites served over insecure connections. This means that websites wishing to preserve all their functionality should transition their sites to using TLS encryption as soon as possible.
In Firefox 60+ Beta and Nightly, Application Cache access from HTTP pages is denied. Starting with Firefox 62 Release, Application Cache over HTTP will be fully removed for all release channels. All other browsers have also stated their intent to remove: Chrome, Edge, WebKit. This change will also be reflected in the HTML standard.
Going forward, Firefox will deprecate more APIs over insecure connections in an attempt to increase adoption of HTTPS and improve the safety of the internet as a whole.