- These bi-weekly posts explain the current state of add-on reviews and other information relevant to add-on developers. There’s a lengthy overview of the Add-on Review Process posted in this blog that should be read as a general guide about the review process.
- Most nominations are being reviewed within 2 weeks. Our goal is have them all under 1 week by July.
- Almost every update is being reviewed within 4 days. We want to reduce this more in the future, but nominations are the current priority.
The Review Queues
- The stats are taken from the latest queue report from last Friday.
- 63 new nominations that week. 107 nominations in the queue awaiting review.
- 40 updates that week. 41 updates in the queue awaiting review.
- 893 reviews performed by AMO Editors this month. There were 22 editors performing reviews last week.
See the Add-on Review Process and You for information on how to check your add-on status.
Notes for Developers
- Useful Information for Add-on Authors. How to improve review times for your add-on, information about the review process, etc.
- Bugzilla information for editors. How to file AMO bugs, how to flag bugs relevant for editors, and information on current and future AMO version releases. Let me know if you want to help fixing AMO bugs.
- If you have an add-on that uses the XPCOM Plugin API and have been experiencing problems migrating to 3.6, please read these discussions at the AMO Forum.
- We’re currently discussing a proposal that will substantially change the way we see and deal with unreviewed add-ons, and will have a significant impact on all add-on developers. All add-on developers should read the ongoing discussion at the AMO Forum. The proposal has seen many changes based on feedback from the community, and this is the time to voice your concerns and ideas.
- Fennec (Firefox Mobile) is quickly approaching its 1.1 release, and add-on authors should make sure their Fennec add-ons are up to date in compatibility. 1.1.* is now a valid max version string for Fennec add-ons. Remember you can change your max version on AMO without having to upload a new file!
Jorge Villalobos
Add-ons Developer Relations Lead, Mozilla
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Jeff Cotrupe
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