Project News
- Hate toxic Youtube comments? Tanner Stokes’ “Herp Derp” fixes that for you, on whatever browser you’re using. Naturally, on Firefox it uses the SDK!
- We’re releasing SDK 1.9 beta 2 today or tomorrow, as a roll-up of various fixes and changes that have happened in the last week.
- Wes ( aka KWierso ) has been working on a new bug dashboard, and it’s fantastic! You can find it here. Pretty graphs!
Quick Stats
- Total open bugs: 315
- Bugs created last week: 26
- Bugs fixed last week: 11
- Total SDK-based Addons on AMO: 898
- Open pull requests on Github: 43
Note: the stats above are based on the queries I linked to for each item. If you have suggestions on how these queries might be made more accurate,please comment below. Stats generated at 2012-07-17 09:38:48 PDT
Meeting Brief
- Builder: no update to 1.8.1 yet.
- SDK: Q3 goals reviewed, lots of work to do for new toolbar / UX work.
- Roundtable: re-packs are in good shape, discussed issues with nighhtly breakage with 1.8 and Cu.import behaviour, agreed to start using the ‘target milestone’ in bugs.
Full minutes are available here: