Announcing Add-on SDK 1.16!

I’m pleased to announce the immediate availability of Add-on SDK 1.16! You can download the SDK directly in either zip or tarball format. This is a minor release meant to provide compatibility with Firefox 29 and a smooth development experience when using the new Australis UI apis I featured in my previous post. In addition, this new release fixes the following issues:

  • Bug 944951 – “bootstrap.js must remove the added resource: URIs on unload”
  • Bug 958609 – “Add-on SDK 1.15 incompatible with Python 2.7.6”
  • Bug 963401 – “Console is flooded with javascript strict warnings” sorry for any confusion, this change did not make it to release.

The AMO validator tool is scheduled to be updated to support extensions created with SDK 1.16 next Tuesday April 1st (no, really). As always, we’d love to hear from you about your experiences with this release. You can contact us in a variety of ways:

post to our discussion group
chat with us on #jetpack
report a bug
check out the source and contribute bug fixes, enhancements, or documentation

For more information on the Jetpack Project check out our wiki.

7 comments on “Announcing Add-on SDK 1.16!”

  1. Joerg Kirschstein wrote on

    hi, maybe i got the bug fix on “Console is flooded with javascript strict warnings” wrong. the value ‘javascript.options.strict’ ist sill in file “\python-lib\cuddlefish\” in SDK 1.16.

    External Webpages in tabs still create JS warnnings.

    Setting the option to false seems to solve the flooding, tho.

  2. chinhtran wrote on

    Thank for your SDK but i can’t see PrintUtils,js. I can’t call printpreview dialog. Please help.
    Thank you so much

  3. Yunier J wrote on

    The cfx docs command it not present in this release 🙁
    I prefer the doc in my machine (easier to use and very simple) over than actual on

    1. Krishnan Dasan wrote on

      Same here. Great to see this release with the new Australis UI apis but I am very disappointed without ‘cfx docs’ command.

  4. Dave Teare wrote on

    I’m curious why you don’t point us to github along with the tag to checkout.

    1. Dave Teare wrote on

      Woops! I forgot to say thank you for the new version. 🙂

      I Didn’t mean to sound curt there; I just thought we should be able to easily find this stuff in github as well.

  5. Suhan wrote on

    I found very stange bottleneck in using require. If i use it memory consumption raise about a double and perfomance reduces about 3-15 times. Than i use scriptloader.loadSubScript to load modules and all goes to normal.