With last week’s product update, we introduced a new look for the main and top-level listing pages of the Developer Hub. We went for a modern and friendly design, and surfaced more useful information and links.
The topmost button you see before you sign in takes you to documentation on how to build an add-on. Moving down the page, you see links to submit and manage your add-on, and information on porting an extension.
The lower sections include a feed of our latest blog posts, validation and compatibility tools, and a much more organized and informational footer. We also added a new section on how to contribute to the add-on project.
We pinned commonly accessed links to the top and added an announcement area for people who are signed in. The list of your add-ons is easier to read, with pertinent information like Last Updated and Status more prominently displayed. It’s also possible to click to submit a new theme directly from this page (previously, it only appeared on theme pages).
You’ll see this new design on Android as well, although only the signed-out view is mobile-friendly for now.
We are making steady improvements to the add-on submission and management experience throughout the year, and hope you enjoy this latest update.
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Amy Tsay
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