New Developer Hub landing and listing pages

With last week’s product update, we introduced a new look for the main and top-level listing pages of the Developer Hub. We went for a modern and friendly design, and surfaced more useful information and links.

The topmost button you see before you sign in takes you to documentation on how to build an add-on. Moving down the page, you see links to submit and manage your add-on, and information on porting an extension.

The lower sections include a feed of our latest blog posts, validation and compatibility tools, and a much more organized and informational footer. We also added a new section on how to contribute to the add-on project.

We pinned commonly accessed links to the top and added an announcement area for people who are signed in. The list of your add-ons is easier to read, with pertinent information like Last Updated and Status more prominently displayed. It’s also possible to click to submit a new theme directly from this page (previously, it only appeared on theme pages).


You’ll see this new design on Android as well, although only the signed-out view is mobile-friendly for now.

We are making steady improvements to the add-on submission and management experience throughout the year, and hope you enjoy this latest update.

4 comments on “New Developer Hub landing and listing pages”

  1. Stefan wrote on

    Wow, that is a nice page! But can you add also the rating (stars) on that page too.
    That will be amazing.

    1. Amy Tsay wrote on

      Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve filed this issue to have ratings added:

  2. jules wrote on

    What is going on with multi fox? Are you going to fix it? When will it be working again?

  3. teknocard wrote on

    When will it be working again?